Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little nuts...

Lyon and Fenix drew themselves some facial hair. And well if ya can't beat them, join em. ;D

And Bear says...

"Um mom... I think you should make some of those pills that like make you happy and swallow some. So you won't be all grumpy or whatever."
Referring of course to an anti-depressant that I picked up from the pharmacy yesterday. Bear had asked me what they were for and i told him they were pills that would help me to be happier, lol!

Monday, July 16, 2012

And Fenix says...

Upon glancing into the bowl of soup I made (at her request) for her lunch today she whined;
"This doesn't have any drink in it!"
Referring to broth.
I had to scoot the noodles to the side and show her the broth before she would eat it, lol!
Soup on a burning hot summer day! What can I say, it's my own fault really, she asked for salad first and as i've not been shopping recently so we don't have any...