Friday, October 9, 2009

Bear cracks me up...

Oh boy!
I walked into the kitchen and found this...

I grabbed my camera because lets face it the mess was already
made and this was very picture worthy...
In case you can't tell he has mixed together
sour cream, parmigiana cheese, and milk.

Now he is adding some leftover
enchilada sauce...

Wow, doesn't that look yummy...
I asked him what he was making...
He said "A cake for dad"

He decided a cake needs to be cooked...

Soooo, he put it in the oven...

He was very dissapointed that it never cooked...
But decided it was okay because it needed carrots...
After he added the carrots and put it back in the oven
it ended up sitting in the oven overnight
on accident...
I took it out in the morning
and cleaned it up...
I told Bear we would make Daddy a cake
When it was his birthday...
He was okay with that.


Shannon and Doug said...


The Mecham Family said...

You are such a good mom to let your kids explore and experiment...I think i'd freak out..
Bear is so awesome!