Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Superhero tee shirt...

I saw the superhero tee shirt at walmart.
I was lured over to the clothing section due to the precisely placed alluring items that caught my eye.
Seeing no way out I made my way in and through, and just as I was about to emerge unscathed the superhero tee shirt entered my line of vision.
Maybe it's not the cutest most fashionable shirt on the planet.
And maybe it was only $7.
The superhero tee shirt has hit a homerun in the eyes of my boys.
They think it is the awesomest shirt I have.

And apparently (even though my Superman hates them) the bangs aren't bad either.


Heather Davies said...

Ryder would love that shirt too! He'd want to wear it himself. :) I like the bangs. Sorry, Superman! :)

The Mecham Family said...

Me likey!!!!
And thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.

Liz Mays said...

You are adorable...bangs and tee!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

I hate how the stores lure you in with their antics. Works on me, every time. I will agree however, that is a pretty cool shirt!

Clairity said...

Supercute T-shirt, love it!


I had to laugh about the bangs. I cut bangs in last last year and my husband hated them also.