Friday, October 30, 2009

The Pumkin Patch: Spook alley

Lyon wanted to go play on that playground so bad, but we had just come from the other play area and wanted to move on to the spook alley, he wasn't very happy about it.

The spook alley is not really a spook alley.
When I was little it was, there were spooky ghosts and ghouls,
but recently they made it into a light alley
putting up Christmas lights and all sorts of decorations.
I guess the spookiness must have been complained about
by parents with little ones that were terrified by it.
I don't blame them, Lyon would have been one of those kids :(

Even as a light alley it creeped him out, lol!

Bear and Aiden
I think they were confused about which way they were supposed to go.

The kids looking at one of the displays
It was kinda weird seeing ghosts, a leprechaun and a Christmas tree all together
Bear was actually spooked by those little ghosts, lol!

Fenix wasn't scared at all
of course she did have her Daddy right behind her to protect her :D

The light at the end of the tunnel ;D

1 comment:

Dan/Kealy said...

I like Lyon's face in the spook alley :) And that's kindof random to have leprechauns in there too-how did they come up with that? Is it because they're supposed to be scary?? I've never thought of leprechauns as scary :) Anyways...