Saturday, January 16, 2010

"I can rest when I die"

Hard work we're all capable of it.
At least I like to think so.

Last week I was reading a blog post (you can read it here)
The woman who wrote it talks about "love messages" she gets from her husband, it was a great post. The thing that has been sticking with me since I read it is, she says that her husband works so hard and just keeps going and going saying, "he can rest when he dies"

Well I like that, a lot. I think that is going to be my new motto,
"I can rest when I die"
In the morning when I do NOT want to get up because I am so so tired I can say to myself
I can rest when I die
When I don't feel like cleaning the house I can say to myself
I can rest when I die
When I am feeling too lazy to do something worthwhile I can say to myself
I can rest when I die

Or maybe, so I am not constantly telling my children that I am going to die, I can say:
I can rest LATER :D
Yeah I like that.

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